Closure of Skipton on Swale church

Sadly St John’s Church is holding its final service before officially closing on 1st October. Bishop Paul will be leading the service. Everyone is welcome to join Skipton for one last service commemorating the life of this church and the many people who have worshipped there over the years. Refreshments will be served after the service.

Drop In and Chat

We would like to invite anyone for our “Drop In and Chat” in church every Tuesday from 10a.m. to noon.  This informal weekly event in our café area is open to anyone who would like to call in for a coffee and chat to whoever drops by, maybe you would like to use our book swap or put a few pieces on the jig saw table.  Best of all its free. 

Book Sale 2023

This year’s book sale will be on the 9th and 10th September. The number of books, puzzles, dvds and records presented for the occasion are well worth a visit. This is our annual activity to raise money towards the upkeep and maintainance of the church. All donations that are made make the occasion our most rewarding. Thank you to all who visit and remember there is also coffee and tea available to make your visit a totally rewarding experience.

Revd Dr Amanda Bloor is the new Archdeacon of Cleveland.

The Archbishop of York Dr John Sentamu has today announced this appointment.

Amanda is currently Priest in Charge of Holy Trinity Bembridge on the Isle of Wight and Assistant Diocesan Director of Ordinands in the Diocese of Portsmouth. Ordained in 2004, she has previously served as Chaplain and Diocesan Advisor in Women’s Ministry to the Bishop of Oxford, and as Area Director of Ordinands for Berkshire.  She undertook Doctoral research in Clergy Wellbeing and has a keen interest in the flourishing of those engaged in ministry.  She is also a Chaplain to the Army Cadet Force.  Amanda is married to Mark and has two grown-up daughters. 

Archbishop Sentamu said: “I very much look forward to welcoming Amanda to the Diocese of York and especially to her new ministry in the Archdeaconry of Cleveland.  As well as her experience in a bishop’s team, her research on clergy wellbeing stands her in good stead to support everyone whose work and calling is to serve others in Jesus’ name.”

The Revd Dr Amanda Bloor said: “I’m excited to be moving to the Diocese of York and joining the team encouraging the vision to be Generous Churches, Making and Nurturing Disciples.  I look forward to getting to know people and places so that I can join in with the many good things that God is doing amongst us.  I want to support clergy in what can sometimes feel a lonely or challenging role; we have a message of hope to offer to a hurting world where many people are searching for meaning.”

The Bishop of Whitby, Paul Ferguson said: “Amanda is a disciple and leader with special abilities and experience. I warmly look forward to welcoming her in her ministry as Archdeacon of Cleveland”.

The Bishop of Portsmouth, Christopher Foster said: “Amanda’s appointment is great news for the Cleveland Archdeaconry and the Diocese of York. While with us in Bembridge she has been an excellent parish priest and ably supported those, especially from the Isle of Wight, discerning a possible call to licensed or further ministry. We shall miss her and her gifts, and Mark as well, but rejoice that the wider church benefits from her leadership as we seek across the nation to call more people to love Jesus and to grow the church to build the Kingdom.”

Amanda will be collated as Archdeacon of Cleveland at Bishopthorpe Palace on 22 April 2020. She succeeds the Venerable Samantha Rushton, who became the Archdeacon of York in August 2019. 

Lych-gate repairs.

Before the repairs started.

Well done Dan Ranson and his team. Well done Terry Potter!